Top MBBS, Specialist and Super Specialist doctors are available.
Easily Readable, better compliance, easily shareable in multiple languages.
All health care information under one digital profile, for better diagnosis and treatment.
All healthcare services like Lab Tests, Medicines, Day Care, Health Insurance, Ambulance and Hospital Referral Counselling.
Rural/suburban people of india tend to go to local unqualified practitioners and pharmacist in case of any health problem, due to lack of money and unavailability of good qualified doctors near villages . Due to this practice,lots of patient end up with complications and emergencies that could have been prevented if they were diagnosed and treated early by qualified doctors .Secondly,there is no health record management,due to which repeated diagnostic tests and medicines are prescribed to patients and lots of time is lost in assessing the patient from zero level.
To solve this major problem of rural healthcare, Naratvam Foundation healthcare came into existence and provided a complete one roof solution near villages ,which was named Naratvam Foundation e-clinic . Naratvam Foundation e-clinic provides mbbs, specialist and super specialist doctor consultations , lab test &medicines and tertiary hospital counselling and digital health record management under one roof near villages. Naratvam Foundation healthcare plans to launch these e-clinics pan india to help rural people live a better and healthy life .Naratvam Foundation healthcare is managed by [CEO &Director] Dr.Aaditya Yadav (MBBS) ,[ COO &Director]Dr. Sekhar Jiwal(MBBS,MD) and [ Co-Founder]Mrs. Anshu Gupta(MD,Sarvodaya healthcare)
Your Health is Our Top Priority with Comprehensive, Affordable medical.
(Diabetes Specialist)
(General physician)
(General Physician)